Inet Solutions

3 Industries That Use SMS Marketing, and 3 That Should

There are many marketing tools available today, ranging from the simple to the highly technological and advanced. Various industries often find a particular method that works for their audience. One of these strategies is SMS marketing.

While several industries use text messages to reach more customers and generate sales, others haven’t adopted it quite as well. In this article, you’ll read about three industries that use SMS marketing effectively and a few that should.

Make an Impact With MMS

Instead of solely relying on short text messages, several industries can benefit from MMS’s (multimedia messaging service) robust capabilities. What does MMS mean for marketing campaigns? In short, it means having the ability to send longer messages that can include visual media such as:

If you want to add a little extra spice to your text marketing messages, opt for MMS.

3 Industries That Use SMS Marketing

While several industries use SMS marketing, a few excel at using texts to generate customer interest. The top picks listed below have been using these messages longer than most others.


The retail industry may use SMS marketing more than any other. Stores are regularly sending messages to loyalty program members and list subscribers. However, most of these texts often focus on discounts, limited time offers, and special events.

Example Text Messages:

Travel and Tourism

Airlines, hotels, and travel companies all use some form of text message marketing. For example, a travel company may use it to promote a new vacation package, while a hotel could offer discounts during the offseason.

Example Text Messages:

Foods and Restaurants

The food industry has taken to SMS marketing exceptionally well. Not only do they use messages to generate interest or promote specials, but to also accept orders quickly and conveniently.

Example Text Messages:

3 Industries That Should Use SMS Marketing

While some of these industries use messaging services, most have yet to implement it into their marketing strategies.


Automotive companies, like dealers, car washes, and repair shops, can take advantage of text marketing. For example, car dealerships can use it to notify potential customers about new stock. Similarly, a repair shop can do a promotional campaign for standard vehicle checkups and services.

Example Text Messages:

Health Care

From dentists and optometrists to insurance companies, manyhealthcare services can benefit from running SMS marketing campaigns. For example, they can notify subscribers about promotions or remind them to book their next appointment.

Example Text Messages:

Home Services

Very few home cleaning and gardening services use SMS marketing, which is an effective and affordable option. For example, creative seasonal reminders can generate a significant amount of interest.

Example Text Messages:

As SMS marketing grows in popularity, more industries may start adopting it for their campaigns. The technology has significant potential; all it takes is a creative marketer to turn texts into leads, customer loyalty, and revenue, regardless of their industry.