Inet Solutions

5 Factors to Consider in Choosing a Digital Marketing Agency That Suits All Your Unique Needs

You need digital marketing strategy to help promote your Montreal business and increase your profits. In line with this, you can greatly benefit from using a professional digital marketing agency in Montreal.

But that leads to the question, how do you find an agency that can provide for your specific needs? How do you choose one digital marketing agency over another?

To help you make a more informed choice, here are some of the factors you need to consider:

What Are Your Needs?

If you want a digital marketing agency to suit your specific marketing needs, then you better make sure you have a very clear idea of what those needs are in the first place. The more you understand those needs, the better you’ll be able to communicate what you really want when you speak to the marketing experts.

This means you should have definitive goals in mind. You should couch them in more concrete terms, such as in regards to SEO (search engine optimization), advertising, website results, graphic design, and social media.

What Can You Afford?

You also need a very clear picture of what your budget will be for Internet marketing. This isn’t like buying a refrigerator for your kitchen. There’s no real set price for these things. You do need to plan a budget you can afford and then have a good idea in mind of what methods you should use. Your expectations should be reasonable as well.

Require Agency Transparency

You need an agency you can trust, and to earn your trust they must have nothing to hide. They have to be open and honest about who they are, what they do, and what they charge. They must avoid giving the impression that they’re hiding something from you. If you feel that they are, then it doesn’t matter if they’re actually trying to hide something or not. They’re failing their own marketing and advertising need by failing to present a good and trustworthy impression.

Check out their website, and then look for the basic info presented in an accessible manner. You should easily see an office address and perhaps some phone numbers and an email address. You should have a section devoted to explaining who the people are in the agency, and who their clients have been.

Then when you talk to them, their clear about what methods they can do for you, what results you can expect, and what fees you’re required to pay. If they won’t explain the details to you, then they may not be the best choice after all.

Check Their Apparent Credibility

Look to their website and check out their overall web design. Does it make you trust them? If so, then they know their business. But if their website design doesn’t attract your respect and trust, then it’s unlikely that they can do the same thing for you.

Check their testimonials, and look at more objective review platforms like Clutch and Expertise to read reviews on their performance. Ask for client references, and specifically ask for at least one account when things didn’t really go well. Call these references instead of just sending an email, as a phone call tends to elicit more detailed information.

How’s the Rapport?

You have to work with these people, and it’s important that your personalities mesh instead of clash during your digital marketing partnership. It’s not all about their technical expertise and experience.

Some employers like to call this the “beer test”. At the end of it all, you should ask yourself: Will you want to hang out and have a beer with these people? the answer should clue you in whether you can work with these people for any amount of time without personality clashes.