Inet Solutions

Four Tips to Use When Writing for Money

So, you got a job writing and you’re getting paid for it. Now before you celebrate remember to keep yourself in check. This at the end of the day is still a job and you should treat it as such so be professional, punctual and disciplined. We’re going to be going through some tips and tricks to being a great freelance writer for money.

Tip 1: Applying for jobs you are confident you can complete

When you apply for jobs it can be easy to look at the pay before reading the actual brief. It’s important to not be manipulated by flashy numbers and to rather find jobs that you know that you can do and you can do well. This is something that helps build up your experiences and positive reviews. Especially when you’re starting out it’s difficult to get jobs when your experience isn’t as expansive as other candidates, so focus on getting jobs that are quick and simple in order to build your reviews.

Tip 2: Understanding the requirements

You’ve applied for jobs but did you read the entire brief? Some clients know what they want and are specific about every detail of the job, some are the complete opposite. It’s important to understand what you’re getting yourself into when applying for a job. Applying blindly can be dangerous for your reputation.
You need to understand the job, the amount of work, how much time they want it in, the research or planning it will take, requirements such as formatting, also understand if the pay is fair for the amount of time you’d spend on this job.

Side Tip: Reading the brief is also important as some clients hide a code word that is required in the application just to see if you read the brief or not.

If you are running out of time you might think “I wish there was someone else to write my essay for money” Well there are people that will do that and if you need help, just look for it.

Tip 3: Sticking to deadlines

Deadlines are deadlines and since you’ve been hired, you work for the client, meaning you need to adhere to their rules and deadlines. Deadlines are important as they are what helps you as the writer plan your writing and gives you a sense of where you need to be by when and if you can achieve this.

Deadlines also help when applying for work as you can see if there’s enough time for you to complete the job. You want to know that when you’re applying for a job that the time allocated is enough for you not only to do the job but to also ensure the work is of a high quality.

Be sure to stick to a schedule and to take the time to write properly. It’s vital that you don’t leave everything for the day before it’s meant to be submitted.

Tip 4: Communication

When you apply for a job, you’re beginning a working relationship with another person and are doing a task they’ve set out. As such, you need to communicate with them to ensure you produce the content that they require. When you’ve just started working with someone it’s difficult to truly understand what they want unless they’ve made it super specific and very clear.

In order to make the process as smooth as humanly possible, you need to constantly communicate with the client to ensure you’re doing the right thing. This avoids completing a job only to realize it’s completely wrong and then having to go back to fix it all. It’s important to remember that you’re working with the client and not against them.

At the end of it all, you want your clients to be happy with the quality of your work. Why? It is simple. They’re going to review you and a negative review means future employers might be wary. They might have more work for you to do, but if you ruined it the first time around what makes you think they’ll hire you again?

Everything you do has a ripple effect and it’s important to note that when applying for and working on a job. It’s also very important as a writer to know when to not get too invested in what you’re writing, it’s not for you and often won’t even have your name on it. You need to remember that this is so you can make a living and it’s not for fame and glory.