Inet Solutions

How to Grow Your Website Audience Using SEO

Google’s algorithms are beginning to become more and more sophisticated, which is great for readers, as they can identify the best sources of information for them. So how can you get on the search engine’s good side?

Read on as we show you the important tips an SEO expert has on how to grow your website audience with the help of SEO.

1. Optimize the Site’s Architecture

A few months ago, Google announced that they will soon put out a ranking signal, combining Core Web Vitals with the current user experience signals.

This is a huge step that goes beyond mobile optimization and structured data for you to stay within optimum SERP features.

You will need to present intuitive and user-friendly websites that are easy for people to navigate around in. Don’t worry, there are various steps you can do to achieve this, and it isn’t as tough as you think!

You can do the following:

2. Follow the Best Practice of On-Page SEO

The best practices for on-page SEO aligns with optimum practices when it comes to content writing. With that in mind, make sure you do this when creating content:

3. Include Author Biographies and Photos

Did you know that who writes your content is important not only for content quality but to keep your readers interested?

Google emphasizes concepts such as expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (known as E-A-T). That’s why authorship is becoming crucial. However, showing author bios isn’t enough, nor would it get you ranked even higher in SERPs.

Rather, author bios would signal that your site is transparent, proving that content published is from reputable sources. This is a user experience detail that may help your chances.

4. Optimize For Google Discover

Google Discover is personalized feed content, proactively looking for relevant content for its users. This is a great way to gain traffic, which is why it’s best to learn how you can optimize with Google Discover.

While the platform was meant for users to discover topics based on their search and browser history, as well as app activity and location, you can use it for further research.

You can utilize Google Discover and optimize your content around it by doing these tips:

5. Use Compelling Featured Images

For both Google Discover and SERPs, compelling featured images are important and would grab the reader’s attention well.

When putting a featured image, it’s best that you use original art, custom images, or graphics. If not, using a relevant and high-quality stock photo still does the job. Just watch out for overused images you find on many websites.

Besides publishing content with featured images, optimize them to have an extra boost for better SEO.

Here is what you can do to optimize your featured image:

Besides featured images, you should also include other imaged and videos, as users want and prefer visual content. Visual content such as videos, images, infographics, and the like can be valuable for your SEO strategies.

They would give you a chance to put keywords, as well as it also improves your site’s overall readability.

6. Publish Your News and Content ASAP

If you want to be the forefront in your industry, then you need to be one of the first to report. Make sure that, when industry news breaks out, you are the first, or at least, one of the first, as much as possible.

When doing so, try to do the following:

If you can’t be the first, then differentiate and have your own unique angle on topics, taking advantage to pique interest.

7. Stay Within Your Editorial World

When Google wants well-written and engaging content, what does that mean?

It means you have to create and roll out strong content that is authoritative, written by experts in its subject matters.

If you want to demonstrate your authority and expertise, it’s best that you stay within your editorial universe, which is the lane you are best known to do.

How do you do that? Follow these tips:

8. Utilize Other Channels For Supporting SEO

Yes, you should have your own domain where you focus on all SEO efforts. However, do NOT neglect other channels, which can also support your SEO. When something trends or goes viral, you can ride on those multiple waves of energy!

Look at the numbers:

9. What’s Your Best Link Building Tool?

Did you know that the best link building tool might actually be your Publish button?

You need to emphasize producing new content rather than outreach and other marketing strategies. The main strategy should center around creating and publishing awesome and relevant content that is link-worthy!

When doing so, follow these tips:

Wrapping It Up

When you want to reach your target audience for better conversion rates, SEO is important. But SEO isn’t just about stuffing keywords; it’s far deeper than that. It involves your content, the way you catch target audiences’ attention, and many more.

So utilize these tips and start achieving goals from your SEO strategies now!