Inet Solutions

The Importance of Data Backup and Recovery

One of the core tasks that a database administrator has to anticipate and plan for is the possibility of an attack or a system failure. If such hitches affect the operation of a database, it’s critical that there be backup and recovery measures in place. You need to restore operations to normalcy before they affect your reputation and bottom-line. Proactive recovery is crucial, if you expect to safeguard your data and users. Also, it makes it easy to avoid the tedious work associated with manual recovery.

Apart from the backup process, the recovery task is determined by the nature of the system failure and the database structures that are affected. If you are sure that the files are intact, you only need to restart your system. If you have indeed lost data or some of your structures have been corrupted, your recovery is likely to be more demanding.

Proactive database backup are valuable for small and big businesses. There are unprecedented triggers that can lead to accidental data loss. Whether its database corruption, hardware issues, or natural disasters, it’s important that you invest in a formidable data management infrastructure. Some companies will opt for MySQL automated backups from Ottomatik or other reputable sources. If you don’t have robust data backup and recovery structures, you may incur huge losses and your reputation will wane.

Identifying a Good Database Backup Plan

Identifying a solid data backup and recovery plan requires careful afterthought. It’s not an easy task for a DBA. The administrator needs to have an in-depth grasp of the data that needs backing and the intervals at which data should be backed up.

How Important Is the Data

Database administrator’s needs to comprehend and map data importance in a hierarchy kind of structure. If it’s a mission critical data situation, you can set up redundant back up that has a longer lifespan. This for instance denotes situations where backups need a longer lifespan to meet compliance requirements.

Nature of Info in the Database

In some cases, a department in the company might deem some data important, while a corresponding department may not see the need to back up the same data. The DBA needs to know what’s important to the business and what’s not. The hierarchy and the importance of specific data clusters will help you as the administrator to know what to back up as priority.

Database Modification Intervals

As a DBA, there is need to know when data needs to be refreshed. This is a critical aspect that lets you know what backup approach to leverage. If the data keeps changing or there are frequent tweaks, you need to check whether you need to back up the same on an hourly or daily basis.

How Fast You Need To Recover Data

When evaluating the type of backup to go for, you need to know the speed at which you need to recover data in the event of a system failure. Your business can only afford downtime to a certain extent. Even if the size of the database determines the speed of the recovery, it’s important to have an idea on how long it will take to restore fully.