Inet Solutions

Houston Texas Digital Marketing SEO Consulting: 4 Signs Of A Reliable Agency

Businesses need to utilize the best digital marketing practices available, and they should have comprehensive plans on their SEO strategies. While you can always enroll at programs to be able to implement effective marketing tactics for your business, it’s more efficient for you to work with the best digital marketers for optimal results.

Here are some of the ways to know a reliable SEO agency:

1. They Have Excellent Copywriters

Even though most consumers’ favorite medium nowadays is video, copywriters are the ones laying the foundation for your audiovisual content. Basically, copywriters create posts that sell your product or service with the intention of convincing potential customers to do the action you want. They can offer a fresh perspective on your business and write articles that reach your target audience.

In your search for a reliable digital marketing SEO consulting agency, ask for sample content that their current team of copywriters has produced. Some tips on spotting exemplary copywriting are:

Aside from a fresh perspective on your products and businesses, a reliable agency with a remarkable team of writers will give you the time to focus on higher-level tasks. They can write content that you don’t have time to create. All you need to do is to inform them about the topics you want to be written and when you want it posted on your website.

2. They are Trusted by Your Peers

A lot of results pop up when you search for SEO firms online. However, these large agencies often have hefty monthly minimums which may not fit your budget especially for businesses that are just starting out. Moreover, you most likely don’t need the mighty force of their services. You need a marketing agency that can provide you with the results you want to achieve.

Ask for recommendations from your family or friends who are also business owners. You can even talk with your suppliers and other people in your professional network on who is doing their marketing for them. These people in your circle are the ones who are, more or less, in the same financial level as you. They can suggest freelancers who were able to help them with their SEO strategies.

3. They are Transparent with Their Methods

Be wary of marketing companies that promise extraordinary results in just a month without fully disclosing with you the techniques they use. Google is transparent with its algorithm so everyone has access to it but they don’t reveal the exact process. It’s either the agency is deceiving you or they are using black hat SEO, which is worse.

Black hat SEO uses tricks such as buying backlinks, cloaking, and keyword stuffing to rapidly go up the search engine ranks. While these manipulations may work, Google is always updating its algorithm to prevent and punish websites that practice these tactics. That’s why, if you go with an agency that utilizes this technique, then your site may be in danger of being blacklisted from search engines.

4. They are Updated on the Algorithm Changes

As mentioned above, Google consistently modifies its algorithm. While not all updates have a significant impact on your website, some particular changes by Google can affect your rankings such as:

Ask a potential SEO agency whether they know about each of these updates. Of course, you should research the topics beforehand so you can recognize if they actually know what they’re talking about. These changes are still being applied by Google today and have a considerable effect on the ranking of your website.


Finding the right digital marketing agency will take time and research. Talk to their representative and, if you can, speak to SEO specialists as well about the technicalities involved with your project. Being definite on what your goals are and the timeline as to when you want to achieve them can give you the best results for your business.