Inet Solutions

Yummy Image Thumbnails By Google Are Now Live

If you use Google’s search engine for research on tonight’s dinner quite often, or you just like to expand your culinary culture with not that traditional sauces, mixtures or ingredients, most probably you already saw the new food thumbnails that come up after some culinary searches.

These yummy photographs are seen on the left side in the core web search results but it works only with food related searches. This feature was tested by Google a couple of months ago but I only heard about it from friends and colleagues.

Now I can see it myself and I suppose you do too. I tried a bunch of food related combination of words but did not succeed with most of them. I learned some combinations that are working from Barry Schwartz: greek pistachio, pesto sauceavocado saladbarbecue ribs. I have tested all of them and if you are interested you should also.

In my point of view this, now live feature, will not improve somebody’s work experience with Google, but on the other side the photographs of food are looking quite yummy and I personally enjoy these thumbnails. Just have a look at the barbecue ribs one and tell me you don’t agree?