Google Reviving Webmaster Q&A Video Series

Google Reviving Webmaster Q&A Video Series?

As per a recent tweet by the official Google Webmasters Twitter account, we can tell that they are looking to resurrect their webmaster Q&A video series: We're…
Google Still Using PageRank After 18 Years Of History

Google Still Using PageRank After 18 Years Of History

It was about a year ago when Google removed the PageRank from its toolbar and all of the SEO world went into chaos (metrics-wise). However, while all were…
The New Penguin 4.0 Is Here - Everything You Need To Know About It

The New Penguin 4.0 Is Here - Everything You Need To Know About It

On September 23rd, Google finally confirmed that Penguin 4.0 has arrived. Will there be another SEO apocalypse now that the blue-white creature has received…
Contact Info On A Website Is Not An Organic Ranking Signal

Contact Info On A Website Is Not An Organic Ranking Signal

When it comes to organic ranking signals there are always grey areas and one can never be sure if something is true or false. In this case Google's John…
Short Articles Will Not Cause Penalties To Your Site

Short Articles Will Not Cause Penalties To Your Site

John Mueller from Google continues to light up different grey areas in the SEO universe. On the 8th of July, in a Google Hangout on Google+ he informed…
Any Annoying Pop Up May Count As Primary Content

Any Annoying Pop Up May Count As Primary Content

We have all heard and noticed those annoying pop ups and we know that they are not the favorites of Google's webmaster analysts team. Last month Mihai…
Sitemap URL Location Changes Do Not Affect Rankings

Sitemap URL Location Changes Do Not Affect Rankings

Sometimes we want to start something from the top but we are already too deep in the topic and cannot afford losing what we already managed to do. I personally…
Its Now Finally Safe To Remove Authorship Markup According To Google

It's Now Finally Safe To Remove Authorship Markup According To Google

It has been more than 2 years since Google killed Authorship Markup officially. The last time I heard about it was when Gary Illyes from Google advised…
Manual Actions Recoveries Get Displayed Within Days In Googles Search Console

Manual Actions Recoveries Get Displayed Within Days In Google's Search Console

We spoke a lot about Manual Actions from Google, but this time I am going to give you some information on the after-math or as we might name it - the recovery…
Compare Queries Option Added In Google Search Analytics

Compare Queries Option Added In Google Search Analytics

It seems that even during the hot summer days Google does not stop the implementation of new features and services. During the previous month, the people…