Entries by Jessica Peters

6 Tips for Discussing Your Competition on Your Blog

Talking about your competition on your blog can be all kinds of awkward. Maybe you don’t want to bring them up in the first place, but you can’t avoid mentioning them because they have done or achieved something you want to talk about. Maybe you’re worried about their reaction. Maybe you’re worried about the reaction […]

Tips for Improving Sales Page Conversions

The main goal of a sales page is to sell, period. This is why it can be so distressing when a page isn’t converting as you expected, or at all. The worst thing is that so many factors can be at cause here; it could have something to do with the length of the sales […]

5 Tips for Designing Product Pages That Sell

If you run an e-commerce business, you know how important product pages are to your business; they either convert visitors or turn them away. Knowing this, it is important to make sure all the hard work done to get visitors to that page is not wasted. A product page that sells should provide information about […]

6 Tips for Showcasing Your Products on Your Homepage

When it comes to e-commerce, a well-designed website can make the difference between a bounce and a sale. And if you’re after the latter, it’s safe to say that you’ll want to showcase your products on your homepage. But, this can be a tricky feat. As most websites nowadays gravitate towards simple designs, introducing too […]